Caulking Maintenance and Repair

Our team of experienced professionals specializes in the installation of caulking and joint systems designed to prevent a myriad of water intrusion and deterioration problems. Proper caulking especially between dissimilar building elements can protect your valuable assets and prevent costly liabilities. Sealants are used to seal joints and openings in various architectural applications, which include:

  • Exterior and interior perimeter of windows
  • Roofing and flashing penetrations and terminations
  • Building and material expansion joints
  • Interior perimeters of doors, baseboards, and moldings
  • Plazas and parking deck joints in traffic surfaces
  • Joints between tilt-up concrete exterior panels
  • Airport runway and apron pavement joints
  • Bridge and highway pavement joints
  • Sidewalks, parking lots and flat work joints
  • Water and wastewater treatment facility joints (including in submerged environments)
  • Part of a fire and smoke stop assembly for joints and penetrations
  • Structural sealant glazing

Common Problems

Sealants are often the least thought about and contribute the lowest percentage to a project’s overall cost (less than 1%); however, they can become a serious problem and account for expensive damage if not sealed right the first time.

There is both a science (joint design, adhesion and compatibility testing) and an art (sealant and joint components installation) to successful completion of a functional sealant joint.


Sealants cannot make up for poor substrate conditions or improper or poor joint design.

They must have:

Proper joint design especially for joints that experience movement. Selection of a durable sealant product appropriate for its function and environmental exposure. Proper sealant, sealant backing, and joint filler installation